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Healing and Moving On: How to Break Free from a Toxic Relationship

Everyone wishes to experience love and connection in their lives, but sometimes in that process of finding true love, you may find yourself stuck in a toxic relationship. Acknowledging the signs of a toxic relationship is not easy. You might convince yourself to believe whatever you are experiencing is normal because even people in healthy relationships can and will face conflicts. Using this as an excuse to stay in the relationship without finding support can lead to devastating consequences. Being in a toxic relationship will drain your energy, damage your sense of self and stop you from reaching your full potential. That is exactly why you should identify the red flags before it's too late and start healing from a toxic relationship. Let’s discuss this journey of breaking free from a toxic relationship and leading a life of self-compassion and mindfulness.

Recognizing the Toxicity

The first step in this process of healing is accepting that you are in a toxic relationship. Without any doubt, this can be challenging for many people. It is hard to come to terms with the reality that you were treated that way and what makes it even worse is that you received this kind of treatment from your loved one. It's confusing to think that someone who is this close can hurt you. However, you will not be able to seek online psychological counselling and begin your self-care and healing practices without admitting the reality as it is. 

Emotional Journey to Acceptance

People in a toxic relationship often tend to hide their emotions as letting your feelings out can bring out more toxic behaviour from the abuser. Moreover, these feelings can be overwhelming. But, you cannot forever hide the pain, hurt, anger, and grief that comes with a toxic relationship. Just think of the person you were in the past and look at your situation now. Ask yourself if you want to continue this way. If the answer is negative, you would need a safe haven where you can process these feelings. That is why you should consider online counselling from a relationship counsellor

The Break-Up

Once you have worked through those emotions and recognised the necessity for a change through online psychologist consultation, let your partner know about it. If they are ready to see a therapist, get help through relationship counselling or couple therapy from the best online couples counselling providers. However, if you see those toxic patterns repeating over and over again, it's time to quit. Cut off all communication by deleting their contacts and unfollowing them on social media. 

Embracing the Present

The way out of an abusive relationship may seem very long, and at times, even impossible. A relationship ending does not mean that you can erase the memories that came before the breakup. So, hold onto the beautiful memories you have shared. But, at the same time, know your present reality. Grieve your loss and focus on taking things one day at a time. For instance, in the movie ‘Queen,’ Rani focuses on rebuilding her life day by day after her fiancé calls off their wedding. 

Practising Self-Compassion

Prioritising your needs and ensuring they are met is not selfish; it means you care about yourself. You need to be sleeping 8 hours a day, eating well, and managing your stress. It might not be easy, but neglecting self-care can hinder your ability to perform daily functions. For example, in the movie ‘Dear Zindagi,’ the protagonist Kaira learns the importance of therapy and self-care to break free from toxic relationships and improve her mental health. Consider seeking counselling and therapy to support your health and well-being. Taking these steps can help you break free from relationship toxicity and reclaim your life.

Setting Boundaries

Setting boundaries is a form of self-care that enables self-respect and fosters mutual respect. Establish clear boundaries with your partner and avoid places and situations that trigger emotional memories. Creating this distance helps stop dwelling on what could have been and allows a focus on the present. Seeking online therapy in India can support this process, guiding in maintaining boundaries and focusing on personal well-being.

Finding Support

The biggest advantage of breaking free from a toxic relationship is having the awareness of what a healthy friendship will look like. Connect to emotionally healthy people- the ones who listen to you and let you listen to them, the ones who are ready to help you out and are willing to receive your help. Connect with your family and friends and allow them to be your support system. Also, get professional help through online therapy and counselling

Engaging in Healing Activities

For you to truly come out of a toxic relationship, you need to build your own life. Try to bring some positivity in your life. Avoid indulging in any serious drama, psychological thrillers or tragic content. Engage in healing activities like physical exercise, meditation, and journalling to process your emotions. Focus on learning and doing what you want. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family who uplift you and encourage your growth.

Although your relationship may not have worked out, life goes on and happiness is still attainable. Incorporating healthy habits and surrounding yourself with positivity is crucial. Daily walks, upbeat music, and engaging activities that bring joy can be beneficial. If being around couples is difficult, choose activities that don't involve them. For true recovery, seeking help from experts in trauma recovery, like EduPsych, and consulting the best online psychologist in India is essential. You don't need to live feeling trapped or lonely as we offer the best online psychological counselling and therapy to help you lead a fulfilling life. On the other hand, if you think you can work on the relationship through online counselling for couples, we provide the best couples counselling online to help you in that process as well. 

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