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Best Friends Like Two Peas In A Pod

Our Best Friends make us laugh a little harder, cry a little less and smile a lot more. My Best Friend is like a sibling from another mother, probably because God knew no mother could handle us as siblings. Have you ever wondered how you and Your best Friend relate so much and have so much in common? If yes, I have an answer for you. Research studies have proven that two best friends are so similar as they have almost the same brain activity. Researches have also proven and shown how presence of a best Friend reduces the effects of negative experiences.

The purpose of this study was to measure cortisol levels during an unpleasant event in the absence and presence of a best friend. The amount of cortisol represents the human's reaction to a bad experience. This study also attempted to investigate the impact of a bad event on a person's global self-worth (GSW). The researchers anticipated that when a best friend was not there during the event, the rises in cortisol and decreases in GSW caused by the negativity of the experience would be higher than when a best friend was present.

The overall pattern of the data was that having a best friend there throughout an experience mitigated the influence of the encounter's negative effects on both mechanisms. When a best friend was not there, there was a rise in cortisol and a reduction in GSW as the unpleasantness of the event grew. There was less change in cortisol and GSW when a best friend was present due to the negative effect. So now you know why even when you are sick, you want to miss college but push yourself to go and feel better . Your best friends make you feel better and spending time with them buffers the negatives in your situation.

Best Friends help you overcome your fears and push you to do better, they pull you up in the worst of times. Remember how, In Zindagi Na Milegi Doobara Kabir made Arjun scuba dive, Arjun made Imraan Skydive and Imraan made them face death right in the eyes. They fought their fears, together, with each other, for each other and by the support of each other. This is what Best friends do for you.

Why do we need close friends though? And how do we form closer relationships?

Most of us have seen “Dil Chahta hai”, “Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara” and shows like “Friends”. We all want that kind of Friendship, the bond, the tightness but do we have that?

Through the years of our life, we make many and different kinds of friends, from work friends to school friends, from college friends to trekking friends. Some who we only talk to a few times a year or meet once a few months. How do we make even one of them our close friends , but why do we need to?

If you look to popular culture for an understanding of close friendship, you'll find a few common tropes: the friend who will take a bullet for you; the friend you can call in the middle of the night and they'll be there for you, no matter how inconvenient it is; and the friend with whom you can share anything. Close Friendships need not be so extreme. All it needs is for you to have a friend around whom you can completely and fearlessly be YOURSELF.

We humans are social communal creatures. In stressful times , we cope better by being in proximity to someone we are attached to. Consistency, availability, Reliability, Responsiveness and Predictability are a key to measure when considering a close friend. When trying to make a close friend, be yourself and do not change yourself according to the world’s expectations. Most importantly, accept that closeness isn’t one-size-fits-all. With differing humans the meter of closeness differs.

I cannot imagine how it must feel not having a close friend to share your experiences with, rent to and go for a stress releasing walk with. Yet, you are not alone.

In Conclusion, having a Friend may have a million benefits to it but if you are at a point where you need someone to talk to, it's important you know that you are not alone. Keep your best friends close to you, because they are the ones going to save you on rainy days and laugh with you on sunny ones.

Image source: Pinterest

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