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mental healthcare

Welcome to EduPsych

EduPsych is an initiative by Ms. Ruchi Bakhai, and an online Psychotherapy platform offering counseling and emotional wellness services to ALL Indians - we make receiving therapy easy, affordable, wait-free, shame-free, confidential, and help on the go!

Our platform is focused on bringing together ethnography, therapy, holistic spirituality, technology & an understanding of business design to revolutionize how humans relate to mental health. 


​We believe everyone deserves great mental health. This means access to timely, effective, and affordable solutions!

Our Story

"I AM MY OWN RESCUE" - If not for life pinning me down, I wouldn't have struggled to get up and win. This tussle resulted in the inception of a personal culture of daring to bleed my knuckles but not stop punching my way forward. Resilience gave birth to my phoenix, "EduPsych". This self rescuer was founded in 2016 to offer a Psychotherapy platform for one's personal and professional growth. EduPsych, a safe space, is a product of my resilience that I could build little by little after every rejection, disappointment, loss and heartbreak in my journey as a Psychologist and an Entrepreneur.


When on a mission, it's always an ongoing one! One leads to the other and the process is exciting! Along the way, I've created a safe space where healers and seekers find comfort and growth alike. EduPsych is that bandwagon that welcomes professionals to be fearless in their pursuit of a successful career as a Psychologist/Psychotherapist/Counselor/Mental Health Professional, irrespective of the location they reside in or the time-zone they work around. At EduPsych, we are breaking stigmas one after the other:

  • Eradicating stigmas associated with mental healthcare.

  • Breaking silences and speaking up about things that hurt.

  • Breaking barriers that limit women professionals to continue working after marriage/during pregnancy/after pregnancy/whenever!

  • Breaking the barriers of language - seek help in YOUR language.

  • Breaking norms that limit methods of learning. We help you know your learning style.

  • Breaking financial limitations of healing by offering therapy that is better and affordable than pills and potions!

  • Breaking conventional norms of seeking psychotherapy and offering help right at the click of a button - online!

I'm certain that the list is an ever growing one. So, if you find yourself to be a warrior, a toughie, a norm breaker, an empath, an active listener, a healer...join in our mission and become a MENTAL HEALTH WARRIOR because - We all are Warriors fighting our battles alone. But this is a war. And wars are won with an army.​


Quoted by our Founder, Ms. Ruchi Bakhai

ruchi bakhai-founder of edupsych

Our Founder: Ms. Ruchi Bakhai

Our Vision

Better mental health and emotional wellbeing for all Indians, now and for future generations.

Our Mission

1. Making mental health a coffee table conversation. It's time to 'openly' talk about your feelings.


2. Eradicating the stigmas associated with mental health in India and making professional counseling affordable, accessible, convenient - so anyone who struggles with life's challenges can get help anytime, anywhere! Our mission is to cure people of mental health issues, reduce suffering, and understand the brain.


3. Helping professionals continue to grow in their career from any part of the world.

Our Philosophy

"You Feel The Way You Think" and "Thoughts Turned Into Actions Achieves Goals" is what EduPsych believes in. At EduPsych, our objective is to ensure access to high quality psychological counseling aid, expert corporate training services and support to one-and-all with our innovation. EduPsych is built on a foundation of 'vision'- a vision for creation. Our vision motivates us to constantly challenge the stigma attached with Psychology and create what people 'need' with the help and understanding of Psychology.


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